Volunteers to Help Orphans foundation

Human Resources Training and Support Program for accompanied residence Project

CSS contribution, rubles

700 000

Total budget, rubles

11 035 200

Implementation period, months


Organization site





Project idea

The Human Resources Training and Support Program for Accompanied Residence project is an initiative aimed at establishing a system of accompanied residence for young people with special needs. The project focuses on training professionals who will manage and oversee the lives of participants, providing them with the necessary support to live either independently or in an assisted setting.

 The primary goal of the project is to ensure that young people with special needs can live in a community with a dignified level of support. For some, this may serve as a transitional phase towards full independence, while for others, it may become a permanent residence with 24-hour care. The project also offers the option of living in a psychoneurological boarding school (PNI) for those who prefer that route.

 To achieve these objectives, the project implements the following steps:

  1. Staff Training: before working directly with participants, employees are recruited and trained to ensure they are fully prepared for their responsibilities.
  2. Internship: following the training, staff complete an internship at the Rostok organization in the city of Porkhov (Pskov Region), where they gain hands-on experience in their roles.
  3. Supervision: throughout their work, staff receive regular supervisions to refine their skills and adjust to any changes.

This comprehensive approach helps build an effective system of accompanied residence, fostering social integration and self-realization for young people with special needs. The project plays a critical role in creating the conditions necessary for these individuals to live fulfilling lives within the community, providing them with essential support and resources for their personal growth and independence.

 The Human Resources Training and Support Program for Accompanied Residence project is a significant step toward building a more inclusive society, in which every person, regardless of their abilities, can find support, understanding, and opportunities for personal development. The project highlights the importance of individualized care, addressing the unique needs of each participant and striving to ensure they receive the quality of life they deserve.


The Human Resources Training and Support Program for Accompanied Residence project carries substantial social significance for graduates of children’s residential homes (DDIs) and psychoneurological boarding schools (PNIs) in Tula and the Tula Region. First and foremost, it offers these individuals a genuine choice and the possibility of independent living in society, rather than being confined to the limited option of psychoneurological institutions. Research shows that many graduates of institutional care facilities often face social isolation and difficulty adjusting to life outside the institution.

This project plays a vital role in their socialization, helping them integrate into society through education and employment. Statistics show that graduates of DDIs and PNIs frequently encounter unemployment and social exclusion due to a lack of support and preparation for life beyond the institution. Proper staff training and support are crucial for the project’s success, as skilled professionals are needed to offer comprehensive assistance to graduates, including teaching self-care skills, helping them adapt to living conditions, and assisting with job placement.

Moreover, the project creates alternative living arrangements, such as accompanied residence, which accommodates the individual needs and preferences of each graduate. This provides them with stable housing and support – a fundamental basis for pursuing independent living.

Therefore, supporting this project holds immense social importance for individuals in Tula and the Tula region, offering them real opportunities for choice, socialization, and successful adaptation to life in society.

Social effect

The project focuses on training specialists to implement accompanied residence for graduates of psychoneurological boarding schools in Tula and the Tula region, facilitating their integration into society.


Social workers participating in the project
Training and internship of personnel for the project (persons)


Social workers participating in the project
Training and internship of personnel for the project (persons)

Project Results

The Training and Support of Human Resources project successfully met its objectives of training and developing specialists to organize supported living in the Tula region. In collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, staff recruitment and training were conducted, raising the level of professional competence in the field of social services for people with disabilities.

Major Project Achievements:

  • Staff Recruitment and Training: Specialists underwent internships and training, including visits to leading nonprofit organizations to study best practices in supported living.
  • Improving Quality of Life: The project facilitated social integration for individuals with developmental disabilities, allowing them to live outside of residential institutions and lead independent lives.
  • Development of Self-Care Skills: Participants in the training apartments acquired essential life skills and social competencies needed for independent living.
  • Enhancing Social Competencies: Participants improved their abilities in various areas, including household management, leisure, social communication, labor activities, and financial literacy.
  • Social and Domestic Integration: The project provided opportunities for daytime employment and job placement, helping participants integrate into the community.

The project demonstrated its effectiveness by equipping participants not only with the skills and knowledge necessary for independent living but also with guidance in professional orientation and job placement. This empowered participants to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to society. Accompanied residence in the Tula region has now become a model for similar initiatives in other regions of the country.

Project progress after CSS funding

After the conclusion of the core funding, the project Human Resources Training and Support Program for Accompanied Residence will continue to evolve with the following support mechanisms:

  • The Volunteers for Orphans Charitable Foundation may provide financial assistance for staff training and organizing socialization and adaptation activities for participants.

VDOKH volunteer movement can raise public and business awareness of the project, potentially leading to new donations and sponsorships. Volunteers will also provide direct support to participants, assisting with socialization and integration into society.