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Second "Stronger with CSS" Competition 2021

The purpose of the Competition is comprehensive facilitation of strengthening of
birth families and facilitation of establishment and strengthening of foster families.

Competition winners

Samara Association of people with disabilities using wheelchairs «Desnitsa Association» («The Hand Association»)

Football for everyone

Grant: $13 493,71

Promotion of equal access to group sports activities, active way of life for all children. The project will offer children with disabilities to fulfill themselves in inclusive football teams. There will be 4 teams (1 at each project school) consisting of players with and without disabilities.

Autonomous Non-profit Organization for helping children «Star Rain»

A comprehensive early intervention program for children with autism under the age of 5

Grant: $45 147,53

The early intervention program will consist of several blocks. The first block is timely diagnosis. This will be done through the ADOS-2 test diagnosis, which is the global «gold standard» for diagnosing autism. The second block is individual work with the child, aimed at leveling out the deficits of autism. Lessons will teach children how to follow a schedule, maintain focus, understand instructional instructions and tasks, make choices, take turns, use functional communication, and much more. The program will be based on practices with «proven effectiveness» status. The third block of work with families is seminars for parents on the National Autistic Society (Britain) «Early Bird» program. As a result of attending this course, parents will gain an understanding of the specifics of an autism diagnosis, as well as principles for dealing with communication and unwanted child behavior.

The «CAF» Charitable Foundation for Philanthropy Development

Alfa-Endo program: complex help for families in difficult life situation raising children with diabetes mellitus

Grant: $44 887,96

The foundation will train peer educators in diabetes associations in 4 regions of Russia. Peer educators are experienced parents who succeeded in controlling their own child’s diabetes. The task of peer educators is to inform and assist families in difficult life situation to receive help from government social authorities, to communicate with school and pre-school teachers so that they could provide safe conditions for such children, to support parents when they need psychological assistance for proving their relations with the child and acceptance of the diagnosis, to teach parents control the disease themselves.

Autonomous Non-profit Organization «Family, youth and children center «VMESTE» (TOGETHER)

Happiness of being TOGETHER

Grant: $10 776,96

Creation of special developing space equipped with classic Montessori materials for children with disabilities aged 2-9 years and their parents. The complex of activities will include two cycles of psychological group trainings for parents with children, aimed at harmonizing family relationships and mastering the methods of psychological relief, art therapy, games, creative and developmental activities using the M. Montessori system.

Charity Foundation for Orphans «Here and Now»

Online Support for Foster Families in Russia's Regions

Grant: $48 536,72

The project is aimed at implementing professional, accessible assistance for regional foster families raising children with health, developmental and behavioral disorders, who are experiencing difficulties adapting and interacting with their foster child. The goal of the project is to increase the parental competence of the foster parent, create a supportive inter-regional community of foster parents, develop the family's ability to cope independently with the difficulties associated with raising a child, and prevent the child from returning to the institution.

Interregional charitable public organization for children «He needs you»

«Happy at home» - adaptation and habilitation center for foster parenting online

Grant: $61 377

A project of remote information and advisory assistance and training for families who adopt orphans with developmental disabilities. This project aims to support:

  • candidates to help them evaluate their resources before making a decision on foster parenthood;
  • foster families during the adaptation period, to prevent displacement, facilitate adaptation, and help build an individual rout (medical, rehabilitation and adaptation) for the child in the first year of his or her stay with the family

Charity Foundation «Anton’s right here»

Resource Centre «Anton’s right here»

Grant: $60 410,73

Resource Centre is the first strategic project for supporting children with ASD in Leningrad region. The aim of this project is to unite highly skilled professionals in the field of medicine, education, phycology, and social support for creating accessible, effective, and continuous help system for children with ASD aged 8 months-18 years. The project includes several key areas: medical, educational, and social.

Charity Foundation for Family Placement «Find a Family»

Federal Remote Foster Family Support Service

Grant: $66 870,88

The federal remote foster family support service «Find a Family» is Russia's only online service for comprehensive, long-term professional foster family support. The project is aimed at solving the difficulties families face with foster children: helping foster children adapt, socialize, and learn; maintaining the psychological health and protecting the rights of foster children and parents through the implementation of proven effective distance programs of comprehensive support and, as a result, preventing secondary returns of orphans from foster families.

Autonomous Non-profit Organization «Agency for Social Support of Families and Protection of Family Values «My Family»

«Exit», technology of family mentoring as a form of social support for families in difficult life situations

Grant: $33 122,65

Specialists evaluate the problems most relevant to each family and develop an individual technology map: psychological support, legal assistance, material assistance, assistance with education and employment, help with babysitting, and assistance with the education of children. The technology for individual family support is based on the mentoring model.

Autonomous Non-Profit Organization «Diakonie Center «Touch»

More than care!

Grant: $29 828,08

The project is aimed at improving child-parent relationships in families with children with mental disabilities, genetic disorders and ASD. A complex of measures is planned for early identification and assistance to the family, development of an individual development plan, and assistance in its implementation with young children.

Charity Foundation «Arifmetika Dobra»

Developing a network of Foster Family Clubs in the Udmurt Republic

Grant: $65 259,42

The project is aimed at organizing comprehensive support and assistance for all forms of family placement (adoptive parents, guardians, and foster families) and foster-parent candidates, as well as creating, jointly with the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the Udmurt Republic, a general culture of assistance to foster families. The network of Clubs is designed to prevent the emotional burnout of foster parents, the crisis of child-parent relationships, and secondary abandonment of foster children. It also aims to increase the knowledge and skills of foster families in raising foster children, the resourcefulness of foster families, and the possibility of later placement of orphans in families.

An autonomous non-profit organization for the implementation of social programs «Parus Project»

Family trust is the key to insight

Grant: $13 168

The aim of the project is to increase the effectiveness of social and psychological support of crisis families, prevention of teenage suicide, family violence, work with families with low parental competence, development of new methods of social and psychological work. The project includes training seminars for social workers and psychologists of state and non-profit organizations in the region. The trainings will be conducted by specialists from the Victoria Children's Charity Foundation, one of the most recognized training platforms in Russia.

Autonomous non-profit organization of social services «Yom-Yom Inclusive Center»

Want to be together: Regions

Grant: $38 719

The project creates a support network on issues of inclusion with the coordination and expertise of the foundation team. The activity involves the provision of remote targeted methodological and psychological assistance for the inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational and social process.

Charity Foundation for Social Aid to Children «Spread Your Wings!»

Project "Important for mom"

Grant: $67 476,38

Replicating the model of comprehensive social support for young orphan mothers in a difficult life situation in Russia's regions, including new types of assistance for the development of child-parent relationships and for increasing the availability of social assistance.

Charitable Foundation for Persons in Difficult Life Situations «Lend a Hand»

Mom Behind Bars: Psychological and Consultative Support for Pregnant Women and Women with Children under Three Years of Age Serving Prison Sentences

Grant: $34 111

The project will conduct a series of two-day trainings by a perinatal psychotherapist and a neonatologist for key beneficiaries. Women and specialists will receive individual and group sessions. The Foundation will publish an informational booklet on pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and childcare, and will distribute it in the prisons. The project will actively work to raise public awareness of the problems of women with children in prisons. It is aimed at reducing the stigmatization of this issue, dispelling numerous myths, increasing public loyalty to these women, and thereby increasing their chance of successful resocialization in society after their imprisonment.

The Interregional NGO for Persons with Mental and Psychophysical Disabilities «Equal Opportunities»

Prodljenka 57 (After-school club 57)

Grant: $13 010,93

The project involves the creation of inclusive groups for socializing and development of children of different ages: infant, pre-school, primary school, teenagers. The groups function during the working week (5 days) in seven areas: psychological and special remedial help (speech therapist, speech pathologist), play and art therapy, creative development, physical development, vocational training (for teenagers). The constant functioning of groups during the work week allows parents, during their child's stay at the after-school club, to accomplish those tasks that are difficult to accomplish in real life together with a child with special developmental needs, which has a positive effect on the psychological and emotional state of the parents and on parent-child relationships. Each group is expected to include at least 3 children with disabilities and at least 3 children with development corresponding to the age norm.