Our first annual report for 2020


Today is a big day for the whole CSS team - we've published our first annual report for 2020, which we've been working on over the past few months!

Despite the pandemic and difficult situation last year, we continued to work with all participants in charitable programs in our main areas.

n our report for a difficult year for the whole world, we wrote about the financial results, the results “Stronger with CSS” charity program and the implemented out-of-competition projects. We presented our partners as well - the winners of the charitable program, because any reports are behind the achievements and daily exploits of special people, with whom we are really proud of cooperation.

The total amount of competitive and non-competitive funding in 2020 amounted to over 85 million rubles, which made it possible to help 1,500 children and 2,000 families. Thanks to CSS, 240 offline and online events were held, over 4,000 individual and group consultations and 9,000 hours of training sessions.

You can find out about the main achievements of our foundation for 2020 on our website.