Partnership initiatives support

The Partnership Initiatives Support charity program contemplates active interaction between the Foundation and its partners and beneficiaries and uses a range of tools and methods of work that can vary to achieve the priority goals and optimal results.

Duration of the program, years


Projects were supported


Program budget, roubles


Consolidation with like-minded people is one of the Foundation’s priorities and an important part of its strategic work. Only by joining our efforts, knowledge, capabilities and resources can we have a meaningful impact on solving social problems related to helping children and teenagers.

The Partnership Initiatives Support charity program contemplates active interaction between the Foundation and its partners and beneficiaries and uses a range of tools and methods of work that can vary to achieve the priority goals and optimal results.


- assistance in the development, application and scaling of projects that provide comprehensive support to the target groups of the Charity Program;

- comprehensive support and aid for orphans, children left without parental care, disabled children, parents or legal guardians of such children, as well as for other individuals in difficult life situations;

- promotion of inpatient replacement technologies for help to the beneficiaries, their successful social adjustment, their preparation for independent life, and integration into society;

- prevention of family problems and social orphanhood among children, including preventive measures against child abuse, restoration of the family environment favorable for raising a child, finding a new home or foster family for orphans and children without parental care;

- legal advice for families with children and young adults up to the age of 44 with special needs in the entire territory of the Russian Federation;

- assistance for projects in education, science, culture, enlightenment, and personal development;

- support for projects in health promotion and protection, as well as in advancement of healthy lifestyle and improvement of moral and psychological state of individuals;

- other goals that do not conflict with the Charter and objectives approved by the Board of the Foundation.


- Funding of non-commercial initiatives and projects aimed at support of target groups of the Charity Program (donations to legal entities);

- Monitoring of previously endorsed projects during their implementation period;

- Evaluation of efficiency and impact of supported projects and initiatives;

- Realization of awareness campaigns and participation in social initiatives.


- children left without parental care;

- children and young adults up to the age of 44 with health limitations and special needs due to their physical and/or mental development, and their families;

- children in extremely difficult living situation and their families;

- children suffering from abuse and their families;

- children from low-income families;

- children with behavior issues and their families;

- children, whose living conditions were objectively disturbed by certain circumstances and who are unable to rid of such circumstances independently or with the help of their families;

- children from foster families;

- foster families;

- children living at state orphanages and residential care facilities, and children temporarily staying in social shelters;

- specialists working with the above-mentioned groups;

- non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working with the abovementioned groups.


Participation in the Charity Program is based on the declarative principle. Implementation stages consist of a combination of the cyclic and the non-recurrent formats of activities under the relevant local regulations of the Foundation. The Board of the Foundation decides on partner funding within the framework of the Charity Program.

Documentation of the Program "Support for partnership initiatives"


Space for Communication


The project focused on providing legal advice services for families with children and young adults with disabilities.

Main values

Space for Communication


The project focused on providing legal advice services for families with children and young adults with disabilities.

Main values

Space for Communication


The project focused on providing legal advice services for families with children and young adults with disabilities.

Main values

Space for Communication

Integrative programs for children/young adults with disabilities

The project involves the creation of inclusive centers for children with developmental disabilities, as well as the provision of psychological and legal support to families raising children with disabilities.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles


Total budget, rubles


Implementation period, months


Space for Communication


The project focused on providing legal advice services for families with children and young adults with disabilities.

Main values

Step Up

Project «Distance learning»

The project was created for young adults – children that lived or are still living in orphanages all around Russia, children that would like to receive or improve their education but due to different circumstances do not have that opportunity.
Teachers at learning center ”Vverh” give lessons in key school subjects distantly via skype, help children prepare for and pass school exams, help improve knowledge in different subjects in order to move on to the next step in their education process without losing motivation and interest for learning.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles


Total budget, rubles


Implementation period, months


Fond site

Big Change

Implementation of program activities of the fund

The goal of the program is to assist foster children in the development of subject knowledge and general intellectual abilities, as well as in communication, social, self-organization and planning skills, to increase the motivation, goal-setting and self-esteem of children.

Main values

Big Change

Community of adoptive parents interested in solving issues with children’s education

It is a pilot project created to organize communities of supportive parent united by the theme of education of children who experienced orphanhood in Novosibirsk and Moscow.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles

2 648 868

Total budget, rubles

2 648 868

Implementation period, months


Second Breath

Clothes for life

The project focused on providing humanitarian (clothing) assistance to children living in low-income families. In 2020, 7,500 beneficiaries received humanitarian aid. A total of 11.3 tons were shipped.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles


Total budget, rubles


Implementation period, months


Fond site

Bureau of Good Deeds

Gift a profession

The project consists of professional workshops implemented with support from the curator of the foundation and experienced teachers to help boarding school students raise their proficiency’s and obtain modern competitive jobs.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles

2 002 830

Total budget, rubles


Implementation period, months


Fond site

Start in Life

Project «Supporting Talent with CSS»

The goal of the project is helping talented and diligent graduates from poorer families get into the university of their dreams, successfully study there, learning foreign languages.
Within the program “Supporting Talent with CSS”, while studying in 11th grade, winners of the contest from different regions of Russia will receive free access to the best online courses.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles

2 070 000

Total budget, rubles

2 070 000


Project «Umka online»

Inclusive center of childhood and family “Umka”, located in the city of Chkalovsk (Nizegorodskaya region), with the help from CSS shifted to online practice.
Yoga, preparation for school, Lego-construction, speech and psychological therapies are all available for children without having to leave their homes.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles

942 890

Total budget, rubles

942 890

Implementation period, months


Look at Me

Educational books for kids

With support from CSS preparations began in 2020 for a series of books for children with mental disabilities called: “I am not afraid of growing up”.
These books will inform and support children, young adults and their parent about their own boundaries, puberty, sexually maturing, sexual competence and prevention of sexual violence.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles


Total budget, rubles


Implementation period, months


Region of Mercy

Child Camp

Charity program development center “Kray Miloserdiya” (”Region of Mercy”) and CSS Foundation organized a family inclusive camp for children with mental disabilities located on the Black Sea seaside.
Project activities were aimed on rehabilitation of children, raising the social interaction among children and adults by performing intensive courses using special methodic that takes into consideration the abilities and recourses of each child.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles


Total budget, rubles


Implementation period, months


Bielsko-Ustyensky orphanage

Project «Zaluzie»

With support from CSS Foundation in the region of Pskov houses were built for independent living of graduates of boarding school for disadvantaged children.

Main values

Fond site

Space for Communication

Spreading best practices on support of families with disabled children in regions of Russia

The goal of the project is to support the participation of Russian regional professionals in informational and educational events/programs dedicated to the new methods of working with families raising children with developmental disorders.

Main values

Step up

Project "All up"

"All up" is a project, as a part of which Centre "Step up" offline and online additional classes on main school subjects. Classes are essential for children,

who have large gaps in education and cannot afford tutor services due to unvafourable life conditions. These are children from boarding schools,

orphanages, or living in families in crisis. All project participants are united by the need to improve educational results.

This project is a development of a programme "Distance learning", ran by the Centre from 2014, during this programme distance classes are offered to children from orphanages and foster families.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles


Total budget, rubles


Implementation period, months


Fond site

Step Up


In the context of the project “Vverh” (“Up”), participants find out more about different professions, figure out their interests and strong suits, try using their knowledge and experience in searching for job opportunities.
This year 102 students participated in project “PROFI”. Of which:
13 students passed their interviews;
13 students did an internship;
11 students found temporary jobs;
8 students found a permanent job.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles

2 176 514

Total budget, rubles

2 668 532

Implementation period, months


Fond site

Big Change

Project «Resource center»

This project of Foundation “Bolshaya Peremena” (“Big Change”) is aimed at sharing long-term experiences in working with people out of orphanages and Psychoneurological Dispensaries. Along with that they prepare methodologists that use unique instruments of the Foundation in their work with children in different parts of the country.
Project “Resource Center” is relevant for scientists, teachers, social workers, foster parents, volunteers and many others.

Main values

CSS contribution, rubles

1 483 081

Total budget, rubles

1 483 081

Implementation period, months