
Introduction to the comprehensive school

During the movie making about the educational platform in the settlement of large families "Family FairyTale" we met the director of the general school "Gornostay" in the city of Novosibirsk.

Movie expedition over!

The CSS team spent a week in Siberia collecting material for a new documentary.

Teaching Children Who Struggle: The Story of an Educational Project in a Large Family Settlement

The article is about a unique settlement where residents have provided their children with quality education. It also talks about the foundation "Big Change" and the contribution of CSS.

From performance to action

We watched a documentary performance about the life of people in PNI and wrote a note about theater as a PR and FR tool for NGOs.

“The main memory of my mother is her aggression, her undisguised hatred for life and for me.”

In Russia, girls who have survived orphanhood become mothers on average seven years earlier than their peers. At the same time, each of them dreams of becoming a good mom, despite the difficult circumstances of their past. We talked to the team and mentees of the “Spread Your Wings!” foundation to find out how the project to support young moms works.

Rare Conversations on Important Topics

The year 2024 is officially declared the Year of the Family in Russia. Family values form the basis for raising comprehensively developed individuals, strengthening the society, and establishing the basic moral principles that underpin intergenerational relationships. However, even within this value system, there are still topics that remain partly taboo.

In the beginning was the word. How conversations about HIV help teenagers manage their condition

Today, HIV is a chronic condition that one can live with for a long time, fully and actively, without transmitting the virus to an HIV-negative partner, enabling the creation of families, childbirth, and child-rearing. The primary requirement for those infected is to rigorously maintain lifelong therapy, consistently monitor the condition, and regularly consult healthcare professionals.  HIV demands significant self-discipline and responsibility from the individual living with it. We inquired with Maria Bryanskaya, a representative of the Children Plus Foundation and coordinator of the Trampoline project, about nurturing these qualities in adolescents facing difficult life situations, including those in orphanages. 

Through thorns to sport. How basketball changed the life values of orphans

LADA Charitable Foundation won the "Stronger with CSS. Sport for Development" Competition with the Cheburiada 3*3 project. We spoke to Natalia Samoilovskaya, the project's volunteer coordinator, and Inna Solyanova, the responsible volunteer, nine months later. The organizers shared the project's implementation, accomplishments, and future plans.

“They chose to be free and lead a full life”

Zaluzhye is a small village in Pskov oblast, which is no different than many other settlements in the region. It empties out in the winter and comes alive when vacationers arrive in the summer. The modest homes mostly predate the Russian Revolution. They are made of logs trimmed with planks and are heated by stoves. But there are houses in Zaluzhye that stand out, you might say, in both form and content.

Victory of Friendship. How Social Football has Enriched the Lives of Rural Schools in the Pskov Region

Football3 is a type of football where victory is determined not by the number of goals, but by the ability to negotiate, establish, and adhere to rules. This form of social football, which aids in developing communication skills, is used for educational purposes and transforms the lives of children, educators, and parents. Football3 originated in Colombia in 1996 and gained popularity in Europe, but the only place in Russia where it really flourished is Pskov Region. This article recounts how it happened and the outcomes it has yielded.

“Repair Café” in Kostroma: Where the Vision of Conscious Consumption Faded Amidst Fabric and Thread

Starting a social project is a risky business. Even with the support of donor organizations, not always the idea gets the desired continuation. Natalya Teplinskaya, the curator of the Repair Café project and the head of the humanitarian programs department of the Second Breath Foundation, in a very honest interview recalled how it all began, how the project developed and what traces it left in Russian eco-education.

Adaptive sports in Magnitogorsk: from the project idea to a large development center for children with disabilities

In June 2023, the project "Sport on an Equal Basis for All" of the Metallurg Charitable Foundation, implemented with the support of the CSS Foundation, came to an end. The project systematically involved children with mental disabilities in skiing, roller skating, trampolining, and adaptive physical education in order to overcome difficulties in their physical and social development.