Annual Report 2021

We have published CSS main achievements over the past year

For the past few months, our team has been working on the annual report, and finally we are ready to show you what 2021 was like for us.

In the report for the past year, we spoke about the principles and values ​​of the foundation, disclosed financial indicators, numbers and results of “Stronger with CSS” grant program, and also highlighted in detail the areas of the foundation's activities:

  • Support for families in crisis and prevention of the institutionalization of children
  • Assistance in the preparation of substitute parents and their support
  • Improving the quality of education
  • Social sports
  • Professionals and mentors
  • Assisted living and employment

From the report, you can find out how many times the volume of competitive and non-competitive funding increased in 2021, how many thousands of children and families we helped, and in how many regions the CSS Foundation is present.

The report is available here.